The new series of Salvage Hunters is currently airing on Quest on Wednesday evenings at 9pm - the series follows Drew Pritchard "in search of weird and wonderful objects". Yesterdays episode (6th June) featured a visit to the Woolmill!
Modern day treasure hunter Drew Pritchard is the owner of one of the largest decorative salvage yards in the UK. He is on a constant lookout for unique new pieces to stock his shop, and he has no problem searching the country to find them!
Drew had a successful trip to the Woolmill. He bought a large wicker basket and a wool crate!
After looking for hidden gems around the site, Drew headed up to the shop and bought one of our 1775 Tartan scarves. The 1775 tartan is believed to be an 'apprentice piece'. The pattern is complex and would have shown the skills of the young hand weaver. Drew mentions that "it is a wonderful thing to buy something truly handmade, 30 meters from where it was made."
If you missed the episode on Wednesday evening, you can watch it via the Quest website. Salvage Hunters 12: Episode 12 - Watch here!